PyAvaTax features for Django

If you are integrating PyAvaTax into a Django environment you are in luck. In addition to the standard Python logging I have implemented an AvaTaxRecord model in this project. If you put pyavatax into your installed apps and run syncdb, you’ll find a new Admin entry.

Note: We are currently supporting Django version >= 1.6. The only change is the deprecation of get_query_set, replaced with get_queryset.

This way your clients can see which records failed to make it into the Avalara system, since they don’t usually have access to, or care to access, the logs.

If you really don’t want any integration with Django you can turn it off by setting NO_PYAVATAX_INTEGRATION = True in your settings file.

You can also get at these records:

import pyavatax.models AvaTaxRecord

After a Document which has failed runs successfully you’ll see it leave that list. And you’ll see it pop up over here:


Note: if a Document never failed it is never put into either of these lists.

Your Own Recorder

If you want to create your own recorder to perform some special action when a success or failure occurs, the interface looks like this:

class YourSpecialRecorder(object):

    def failure(doc, response):

    def success(doc):

To have the API use this recorder just pass the class (or instance, there is no need for them to actually be static methods) as the recorder keyword-arg to the API instantiation.

Note: success will always be called in the event of a success, even if a prior failure never occurred.